
local ComponentModifier = require('encompass').ComponentModifier

A ComponentModifier is an Engine which is responsible for consuming ComponentMessages and modifying the referenced Component in response.

ComponentModifiers are defined by the Message prototype they track and the modify function they implement.

If a ComponentModifier needs to receive multiple messages that modify the same component in a single frame, it should be a MultiMessageComponentModifier instead.

It is an anti-pattern to read Entities or Components inside a ComponentModifier. Do not do this.

Function Reference

ComponentModifier.define(name, message_type, state_message_types)
  • name (string) – The name of the ComponentModifier.
  • message_type (prototype) – A Message prototype that should be tracked by the ComponentModifier.
  • state_message_types (table) – An array-style table of StateMessage types that should be tracked by the ComponentModifier. Optional

Defines a ComponentModifier that will track the given Message prototype, and optionally track the given StateMessage types.

  • state_message_type (StateMessage) – A StateMessage prototype that has been tracked by the ComponentModifier.

An instantiated StateMessage of the given prototype, or nil if none has been produced this frame.

ComponentModifier:modify(component, frozen_fields, message, dt)
  • component (Component) – A reference to an instantiated component referenced by the tracked Message.
  • frozen_fields (table) – A copied table of fields on the referenced component, so that the Modifier can read component data without it being affected by other Modifiers.
  • message (Message) – A reference to a message that has been tracked by the ComponentModifier.
  • dt – The delta time given by the World’s current frame update.

This callback is triggered when a Message of the specified prototype is produced by a Detecter. The programmer must override this callback or an error will be thrown.


local SoundMessage = require('game.messages.sound')
local TimeDilationStateMessage = require('game.messages.state.time_dilation')

local ComponentModifier = require('encompass').ComponentModifier
local SoundModifier = ComponentModifier.define(
    { TimeDilationStateMessage }

function SoundModifier:modify(_, frozen_fields, message, dt)
    local time_dilation_state_message = self:get_state_message(TimeDilationStateMessage)

    if time_dilation_state_message ~= nil then
        local source = frozen_fields.source

return SoundModifier