
local EntityModifier = require('encompass').EntityModifier

An EntityModifier is an Engine which is responsible for consuming EntityMessages and manipulating Entities in response, for example, adding a component to an entity or deactivating an entity.

EntityModifiers are defined by the EntityMessage prototype they track and the modify function they implement.

It is an anti-pattern to read Entities or Components inside an EntityModifier. Do not do this.

Function Reference

EntityModifier.define(name, message_type, state_message_types)
  • name (string) – The name of the EntityModifier.
  • message_type (prototype) – An EntityMessage prototype that should be tracked by the EntityModifier.
  • state_message_types (table) – An array-style table of StateMessage types that should be tracked by the EntityModifier. Optional

Defines an EntityModifier that will track the given EntityMessage prototype, and optionally track the given StateMessage types.

  • state_message_type (StateMessage) – A StateMessage prototype that has been tracked by the EntityModifier.

StateMessage or nil An instantiated StateMessage of the given typrototypepe, or nil if none has been produced this frame.

EntityModifier:modify(entity, messages, dt)
  • entity (Entity) – A reference to an entity referenced by the tracked Message.
  • messages (table) – An array-style table containing references to multiple messages that have been tracked by the EntityModifier and all reference the same component.
  • dt – The delta time given by the World’s current frame update.

This callback is triggered when one or more EntityMessages of the specified prototype is produced by a Detecter. The programmer must override this callback or an error will be thrown.


local AddComponentMessage = require('game.messages.add_component')

local EntityModifier = require('encompass').EntityModifier
local AddComponentModifier = EntityModifier.define('AddComponentModifier', AddComponentMessage)

function AddComponentModifier:modify(entity, messages, dt)
    for _, message in pairs(messages) do
        entity:add_component(message.component_to_add, message.component_args)

return AddComponentModifier